UNIFI members are leading the industry with publications pertaining to GFM IBRs covering a wide spectrum. Here, you can UNIFI specifications for GFM IBRs that are leading the industry forward with guidelines for modeling, analysis, installation, and verification. You can also access modeling & simulation libraries / software, technical publications from our academic and research-lab members that appear in top journals and conferences, and educational tutorials that have been delivered in conferences around the world.
Specifications v2

This document defines a set of specifications for GFM IBRs that provides requirements from both a power system-level as well as functional requirements at the inverter level that are intended to provide means for vendor-agnostic operation of GFM IBRs at any scale in electric power systems. The specifications are clearly identified and attributed to an IBR plant or an IBR unit throughout the document, where applicable. The specifications are authored by stakeholders from across the industry.
modeling & simulation libraries / software
Models developed by the UNIFI modeling & simulation team continue to be adopted across the industry. You can find our GitHub Repository with UNIFI open-source guidelines, policies, covenants, and other important documents here. Some examples of electromagnetic-domain and positive-sequence models for GFM IBRs are given below:
See below for technical reports and other documents authored by UNIFI.
See below for a few of our highlighted publications covering GFM technology.See below for a few of our highlighted publications covering GFM technology.
Educational Material
See below for a few of our educational tutorials and videos created by our consortium members.