what we do
The unifi team brings together leading researchers, industry stakeholders, utilities, and system operators to collaboratively pursue advances in a broad range of GFM tech. unifi will cultivate and foster a culture of engagement and innovation to identify and fill gaps in technologies, business models, standards, and human factors. In particular, unifi will conduct and coordinate research, development, and demonstration, as well as create educational- and workforce-training materials focusing on planning, designing, and operating grids with a high level of GFM Inverter-based Resources (IBRs). Activities will be organized around three thrusts:
- research & development (R&D)
- demonstration & commercialization (D&C)
- outreach & training (O&T)
unifi will stay true to its name and unify timescales of operation and control across spatial scales for IBRs and associated technologies.
Latest News & Events
Current Limiters in Grid-Forming Inverters: Challenges, Innovations, and the Path Forward
by: Debjyoti Chatterjee and Nathan Baeckeland This blog post focuses on one major challenge of the GFM inverter: its limited[...]
unifi General Meeting (July 2024)
by: Debjyoti Chatterjee- UNIFI consortium members, members of our external advisory board, and DOE technical program managers recently gathered at[...]
WECC approves GFM Models Developed by PNNL
The Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) recently approved new GFM models, REGFM_A1 and REGFM_B1, developed by PNNL. This is anticipated[...]